Why choose O-MED?
All of our masks are made in Cleveland, Ohio. We employ American workers & use American raw materials. Our Level 1 & Level 3 masks are designed and tested to meet strict industry standards set by ASTM.
Choosing Original Medical Supply ensures a reliable, USA based mask supplier to provide important PPE.
Since our raw materials are sourced from within the United States, we can continue to supply high quality masks... even in times of crisis.

How Do We Stack Up Against The Competiton?
At Original Medical Supply we eliminate the middleman. We manufacture all of our products right here in the USA, using all materials sourced straight from the USA. As a result we are able to sell quality products at a great price.

What is ASTM?
The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) is an internationally recognized body that develops and delivers voluntary consensus standards designed to improve product quality & make products safer.
ASTM standards are used in the performance and quality testing of many medical and dental products found in professional settings.
The FDA recognizes ASTM F2100 standards when evaluating the safety and performance of Medical Grade Facemasks cleared for use in healthcare settings.
Our 3 Layer Surgical Masks - ASTM Level 3, have been cleared by the FDA as a Class II Medical Device and meet the highest ASTM standards for surgical masks.
Who is Original Medical Supply?
The O-MED Story
During the height of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. The Original Mattress Factory shifted its focus from manufacturing high quality mattresses to manufacturing cloth masks for The Cleveland Clinic and other healthcare communities throughout the midwest.
As we learned more about the mask manufacturing process, we quickly realized there was a great need for USA made, high quality face masks. Since that time, we have purchased sophisticated mask making equipment and established a division focused solely on producing 100% USA manufactured masks for our dedicated community of healthcare workers.
Our Core Values
At Original Medical Supply, we believe in producing the highest quality products possible while offering our healthcare communities the most competitive prices.
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